Vizier of Djoser
2630 - 2611 B.C.

Imhotep was a commoner by birth and rose through the ranks of the bureaucracy, serving four kings until becoming vizier and High Priest of Ptah during the reign of Djoser. He was the most revered vizier and architect of ancient times, who began the age of pyramids by placing one mastaba tomb on top of another to build Djoser's Step Pyramid at Saqqara, and designed a large mortuary complex around it, including temples, chapels, pavillions, corridors, storerooms, and halls.

There was a seven-year famine during the reign of Djoser, when the Nile did not rise. Imhotep counseled Djoser to travel to Elephantine because the king had seen the god Khnum in a dream. Djoser erected a new temple to Khnum there and the famine ended miraculously.

Imhotep was a gifted poet, architect, priest, and physician. The Greeks equated him with the god Asclepios and he was praised on the walls of temples erected by the Roman emperors. He wrote didactic and medical works, but I don't believe any of them survive.