Egyptian Language, Texts

Egyptian Texts (in alphabetical order)

    Budge, E. A. Wallis: An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Reading Book for Beginners, Dover paperback, 1993 reprint of a book originally published in 1896, 593 pages.

      Contains a hefty selection of texts from all periods, with translations for some of them. Words are separted and there are transliterations at the bottom of each page and a vocabulary in the back. Both are in Budge's early style (as in his grammar), which is obsolete and contains many misreadings, so should not be relied upon. The texts are not the most current readings but are reliable in most cases.


          The Tale of the Two Brothers
          The Possessed Princess of Bekhten
          The Litanies of Seker
          The Stelae of Nekht-Amsu
          The Battle of Kadesh
          The Annals of Ramesses III
          A Hymn to Amen-Ra
          The Tale of the Two Brothers
          The Possessed Princess of Bekhten
          The Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys
          The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys
          The Litanies of Seker
          The Inscription of Una (Weni)
          The Inscription of Khmenu-Hetep
          Inscriptions on the base of the Obelisk of Hatshepsut
          Inscriptions of Nekht-Amsu
          The Battle of Kadesh
          Annals of Ramesses III
          The Stele of Pi-ankhi-meri-Amen
          The Decree of Canopus
          The Precepts of Kaqemna
          The Precepts of Ptah-hetep
          The Travels of an Egyptian
          A Hymn to Amen-Ra
          The Spoliation of the Tombs

    Budge, E. A. Wallis: Legends of the Egyptian Gods, Dover paperback, 1994 reprint of a book originally published in 1912, 248 pages.

      Contains a long introduction, eight texts with translations on facing pages, and an English translation of Plutarch's "De Iside et Osiride". No transliteration or vocabulary. Words are not separated. I don't personally find religious texts like this very interesting, but those who do will find this a pleasant and inexpensive book.


        1. The Legend of the the Creation
        2. The Legend of the Destruction of Mankind
        3. The Legend of Ra and the Snake-bite
        4. The Legend of Horus of Edfu and the Winged Disk
        5. The Legend of the Origin of Horus
        6. A Legend of Khensu Nefer-hetep and the Princess of Bekhten
        7. The Legend of Khnemu and a Seven Years' Famine
        8. The Legend of the Death and Resurrection of Horus
        The History of Isis and Osiris, by Plutarch

    De Buck, A.: Egyptian Reading-book: Exercises and Middle Egyptian Texts, Ares paperback, 1982 reprint of a book published in 1948, 128 pages.

      Once a standard university text, this book is entirely hand-written. The first part contains exercises keyed to the author's grammar (which appeared only in Dutch) and is of little use. The texts are mostly short and of a wide variety, but all in good Middle Egyptian. Almost all are written right-to-left as in the originals. No translations, vocabulary, or notes. An adventure in reading Egyptian as it is found!


        Historical Texts:
          Canal inscription of Tuthmosis III
          Coronation decree of Tuthmosis I
          Inscription of Tuthmosis II, recording a rebellion in Nubia
          The Punt expedition of Queen Hatshepsut
          Departure of the Punt expedition
          Arrival of the expedition in Punt
          The Puntites receive the expedition
          Pitching a camp for the expedition
          Reception of the tribute of the Puntites
          The products of Punt
          The return voyage of the expedition
          The 'poetical' stela of Tuthmosis III
          The Gebel Barkal Stela of Tuthmosis III
          The Armant Stela of Tuthmosis III
          Scarab of Amenophis III recording a wild cattle hunt
          Scarab of Amenophis III recording his success in 10 years' lion-hunting
          Scarab of Amenophis III recording his marriage with Tiy and the boundaries of his empire
          Scarab of Amenophis III recording the arrival of the princess Gilukhipa
          Scarab of Amenophis III recording the construction of a pleasure-lake
          The biography of Khnumhotpe, prince of Beni Hasan
          The laudatory autobiography of Kay
          Expedition to Hammamat; the official record
          The same expedition; the commander's record
          A wonder, which occurred during this expedition
          The second wondeer which happened during this expedition
          Semneh Stela marking the southern boundary of the realm of Sesostris III
        Literary Texts:
          Story of the miracles which happened in the reign of Cheops
          The Story of the Eloquent Peasant
          The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor
          A story designed to make propaganda for the cult of Khonsu
        Religious Texts:
          Hymn to Osiris
          Hymn to the Sun-god
          Magical spell for the protection of a baby
          Book of the Dead 125, Introduction, the Negative Confession, Address to the gods, etc. of the Hall of Judgement
          The Myth of the Destruction of Mankind

    Faulkner, Raymond: The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day, Chronicle Books, paperback, 1994, 175 pages.

      This large (9 x 14 inches) and beautiful book contains a color reproduction of the entire Papyrus of Ani with translation below. To be honest, unless you are a specialist, little of the Book of the Dead is interesting enough to read closely in Egyptian, but the pictures are splendid and you can read the sections you enjoy in the scribe's original cursive hieroglyphic characters. Budge also published an edition of this work, but this one is much better and a delight to leaf through.


        Forward, by James Wasserman
        Preface, by Carol A. R. Andrews
        Introduction, by Dr. Ogden Goelet
        The Papyrus of Ani
        Map Key to the Papyrus
        The Balance of the Theban Recension
        Commentary, by Dr. Ogden Goelet
        Selected Bibliography
        Glossary of Terms and Concepts

    Mercer, Samuel A.: Egyptian Hieroglyphic Grammar, Ares Publishers, paperback reprint of the 1926 edition, 184 pages.

      While this was meant as a grammar, it also has a nice selection of reading passages (with the words separated) and a vocabulary. Uses Budge's hieroglyphic font but the transliteration is relatively modern. The vocabulary doesn't quite have enough words to read all the texts, but is a good start.

      Reading Selections:

        Some Short Pieces from Various Sources
        Extracts from the Pyramid Texts
        Khufu and the Magicians
        From the Precepts of Ptah-Hotep
        From the Eloquent Peasant
        From the Memoirs of Sinuhe
        The Tale of Two Brothers
