WbnRaMPt's Hieroglyph Builder

The Hieroglyph Builder allows you to write your own messages in hieroglyphs. Whenever you see an underlined Egyptian word in one of the sources below, you can click on it to see the corresponding hieroglyphs and the HTML code used to generate them. You can then cut and paste this code into an email message or into your own web pages.

You can choose hieroglyphic words from the following sources:

English-to-Egyptian Vocabulary
Egyptian-to-English Vocabulary
Egyptian Alphabet
Egyptian Names
Egyptian Numbers
Gardiner's Sign List

Note on transliterations:
Most of the Egyptian words are followed by a "transliteration" in parentheses. The transliteration is a representation in our alphabet of the exact Egyptian sounds. If you have the CCER "Transliteration" font installed on your computer, you will see these transliterations in the characters used by all professional Egyptologists. This font is available for free from the Center for Computer-aided Egyptological Research and can be downloaded directly from their download page.

If you don't have this font installed, you will see the transliterations in what is called "manual de codage" format. This is the standard way of representing Egyptian in computer texts. It assigns an individual letter, either upper- or lower-case, to each Egyptian sound. You can see these codings by looking at the Egyptian Alphabet page.


WbnRaMPt's Egyptian Pages